Simpson Environmental offers cost-effective and efficient water treatment applications applicable across a wide range of industries to deal with wastewater effluent in an economic and environmentally sensitive way.

B2 Gold SIMPOD Project
Remote Camp, SIMPOD, Africa
In 2011 Simpson developed the concept of pre-engineered, packaged potable water and wastewater (sewage) treatment systems. The Company’s go-to-market strategy involved partnering with a select number of manufacturers active in the remote camp market for mining, oil and gas, construction and military markets.
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Brazilian Navy Research Camp, A SIMPOD Project
Remote Camp, SIMPOD, Antarctica
In the fall of 2012, Simpson Environmental Corp. was approached by Weatherhaven Inc., to propose a potable water and wastewater treatment solution for a remote camp operation of the Brazilian Navy located on King George Island in Antarctica.
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Closure of AMSA Landfill a Waste to Energy Project
Waste to Energy, Guatemala
The Waste to Energy Plant was started in 2015 with final completion by January 2018. This project will effectively close the AMSA landfill site which has been in operation since 1997 and has supplied the disposal needs of four municipalities in the Lake Amatitlan region.
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Beef Slaughterhouse
Food Processing, Water Treatment, Canada
Our client had an existing DAF treatment system for its wastewater treatment. Annual haulage costs were in the order of $1.2 Million to remove the residual sludge from the property. Internal labour costs were an additional $20,000 per annum. Simpson installed four Volute dewatering screw presses designed to process up to 30,000 gallons per day […]
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Cheese Factories
Food Processing, Water Treatment, Canada
Dairy processing can create high organic loading in factory wastewater streams. For one cheese maker, wastewater contained both suspended and dissolved solids, and COD, TSS and TDS were measured at 8,000 mg/l, 2,000 mg/l and 6,600 mg/l respectively. The loading was equivalent to that of a small town with a population of 3,000 people. With […]
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